Monday, October 1, 2012
Nigeria, the giant of Africa (as some people call it), gained her independence from British Colonial Masters on the 1st day of October, 1960. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, from Northern Nigeria, headed the executive council as Prime Minister. Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, from Eastern Nigeria and a pioneer of West African Nationalism, became the first Governor General of the then three (3) regions of the country. They were the Northern, Eastern and Western Regions with Lagos as the federal capital. The regions were headed by Premiers with Governors as ceremonial heads. The Office of the Governor-General was later re-designated as “The Office of the President” under the 1963 Republican Constitution.
Other prominent Nigerians like Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto and Chief Obafemi Awolowo worked tirelessly for Nigeria to gain her independence from our Colonial Masters and became what it is today. Despite their religious and tribal differences, these leaders put the interest of the country first before their personal, regional and tribal interests. All they had in mind was to make Nigeria a greater country that can stand on her own and compete with other world economies. They provided infrastructures and social amenities for the masses. They worked for a true and united Nigeria.
Indeed, it was a rough journey for them. They were able to succeed because they were focused and had a sense of positive thinking. They were also united whenever it comes to issues that have to do with the development of the country. Nigeria at that time depended largely on farming. It was the major source of revenue for the country. The production of groundnuts from the Northern Region brought a lot of income to the country. This was because the region is endowed with vast fertile land for farming. That was when Nigeria had good leaders with vision of transforming the country, not minding which part of the country the income-generating resources came from. They were indeed heroes and role models worthy of emulation.
The good journey started deteriorating in January 1966 when the Premier of the then Northern Region, Sir Ahmadu Bello, and the Prime Minister of Nigeria, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, together with other prominent Nigerians were brutally killed in a coup d’état led by Nzeogu Kaduna. This was the first military coup in Nigeria and General Ironsi became the first Military President of Nigeria.
Shortly afterwards, Nigeria experienced her first civil war (Biafran war). It started in 1967 during the military regime of Colonel Yakubu Gowon. The motive was to divide Nigeria and create the Republic of Biafra. It is on record that foreign powers like America, Israel and their allies supported the Biafran succession that was led by Colonel Ojukwu. However, Ojukwu lost the battle after thirty (30) months of fierce fighting. Thousands of innocent lives were lost and properties worth millions of Naira were destroyed.
To harmonize the country, states were created by General Gowon and the policy of Reconciliation, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (known as 3 Rs) was formulated. The compulsory National Youth Service (NYSC) was also enacted. There were counter coups by other military officers before the country returned to democratic rule after thirteen (13) years of military rule.
In 1979, Alhaji Shehu Shagari was elected as the first Executive President of Nigeria. However, hunger, poverty, economic mismanagement, widespread corruption, election fraud and general lack of focus characterized his government. This prompted the military to overthrow his government in December 1983. Major General Muhammadu Buhari was installed as the Head of State. Buhari’s tenure was short but most remembered for its War against Indiscipline and Corruption.
A bloodless coup in August 1985 brought Major General Babangida, the then Chief of Army Staff, into power. The misuse of power, violation of human rights and the government’s failure to deal with Nigerian’s deepening economic crisis were the justification given for the overthrow of Buhari’s regime. Babangida restored freedom of the press and released political detainees that were held without charges.
Statistics and opinions of the people suggested that Babangida recorded a lot of laudable achievements. The country turned into turmoil when he annulled the June 12 election of 1993. Most observers said that the election was free and fair. The result showed that MKO Abiola, a wealthy Yoruba businessman, won the election. Babangida’s Government was forced to hand over to an Interim National Government (ING) that was led by Chief Earnest Shonekan, a prominent non-partisan Yoruba businessman. But after three (3) months in power, the Minister of Defence, General Sani Abacha took control of the government and forced Shonekan to resign in November 1993.
General Abacha dissolved all democratic political institutions. He replaced elected governors with military officers. Abacha’s regime was somehow peaceful. The “No Non-Sense General”, popularly called “Dodon Turawan Yamma” (The Monster of Western Powers), did not condone indiscipline and misbehaviour. His government was focused and determined to deliver at all levels. Abacha hardly left the country in the name of the so-called “World Summit”. The security of the country was very tight. Hardly will you hear cases of robbery, kidnapping, or violence.
Indeed, Abacha’s Government recorded a number of achievements that made meaningful impact to the lives of Nigerians. Can you remember the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) Program? General Buhari was appointed the chairman of PTF by Abacha. It is a well-known fact that PTF recorded huge success in the areas of education, road construction and other infrastructural development. Abacha also tried to pay Nigeria’s foreign debt before its due date, but the Western Powers refused to accept the payment. As usual, “the monster of western powers” did not bother about them, and did not give them any room to influence his government.
Abacha promised to return Nigeria to civil rule. He also publically showed interest to contest in the election even though he was criticized by civil societies. All registered political parties, with the exception of the then Movement for Democracy and Justice (MDJ), adopted him as their Presidential candidate. However, Abacha did not live to actualize his dream.
General Abdulsalam Abubakar became the Head of State following the death of Abacha in June 1998. In the eleven (11) months of his government, Abdulsalam is best remembered for handing power to a democratically elected president after sixteen (16) years of consecutive military rule. But something worthy of mentioning here is that, the billions of dollars saved by Abacha to pay the huge foreign debt of the county got missing during Abdulsalami’s tenure.
29th day of May 1999 saw the return of democracy to Nigeria. General Olusegun Obasanjo, a former military Head of State, became the President of the country. Violence and insecurity confronted his government shortly after its inauguration. Despite the dictatorship of his government, he took bold steps to end the communal violence that married his early days in office.
The discovery of more oil wells during his administration put the Northern and Southern parts of the country into a “war of words”. This was due to the agitation of Southerners for increase in their monthly allocation and what they call resource control. Shouldn’t this prompt you to ask if such preferential treatment was given to the Northern Region of Nigeria when farming was the major source of revenue for Nigeria? What will they say now that oil has been discovered in Sokoto and Kogi States?
For the first time in the history of Nigeria, a civilian government successfully handed over to another civilian in May, 2007 after a controversial election that was strongly criticized by both national and international monitoring observers. President Umaru Musa Yar’adua was sworn into office. He admitted that the election that brought him to power was full of irregularities, but he promised to reform the electoral process. He then proposed a Government of National Unity in which two (2) opposition parties, ANPP and PPA, agreed to join the government.
Yar’adua’s Government lasted for about three (3) years before his death in May, 2010. However, he recorded remarkable achievements in a short period of time. Yar’adua was able to address national issues hindering the development of Nigeria. He created the Ministry of Niger-Delta to address the crisis in the region. Also, he reduced the prices of petroleum products, and recognized the autonomy of the Judiciary and other arms of government. His death caused a vacuum in Nigeria that is yet to be filled.
Goodluck Jonathan, who was the Vice-President, was sworn into office as the President of Nigeria in May, 2010. However, the insecurity in the country increased beyond our imagination when he assumed power. Kidnapping, bombing, robbery and killing of innocent people on our high ways became the order of the day. Bombings in Northern Nigeria, kidnappings and shootings in Southern Nigeria are no longer news. From 2009 to date, thousands of people have died and many have been rendered homeless. People are no longer enjoying the benefit of the so-called democracy. We have no clue what the future holds for us!
How will you think for a future when the security of your life is at stake? The insecurity of the country mainly affects the poor masses that are powerless. But despite all these, President Jonathan and his cabals always jet-out of the country for summits when their attention is most needed. Nigeria is in a sorry state of insecurity!
Similarly, corruption in Nigeria is so common that it is no longer an issue. The recent Subsidy Investigation Report revealed that most of the indicted people are relatives and children of top government officials in Aso Rock. There is no doubt that corruption has eaten deeply into the government. It is no surprise that the Jonathan Administration is insisting on the introduction of new currency bills. Surely, this will pave way for them to loot from the treasury. The controversial #5,000 bill has continued to generate heated debate. But the Presidency has finally told Nigerians that it is not backing down on the policy. What a pity!
Nigeria, the once vibrant and powerful black nation is 52 years today since independence on the 1 October, 1960. But ask yourself: “is there need for any celebration?” What are we celebrating when eighty per cent (80%) of the citizens cannot afford three (3) square meals a day? How can you celebrate when ordinary Nigerians cannot pay for medication when hospitalized for minor injuries? Do we celebrate when we live, speak and sleep in fear? Why should you celebrate when fellow Nigerians have become orphans and widows due to insecurity? Are we celebrating the pathetic condition of our hospitals, fallen standard of education, increased unemployment, or the closure of our industries? What dividends of democracy do Nigerians derive in the thirteen (13) years of uninterrupted democratic rule? Shouldn’t you wonder what we are celebrating for?
The bitter truth is that President Jonathan must be focused and must have the interest of Nigeria in his mind. His cabinet members should be sincere when carrying out their responsibilities. Nigerians have to sit and think on how they can meaningfully contribute to the development of the country. Otherwise, Jonathan, you will continue to be the “most criticized president in the world” just as you always claim. A word is enough for the wise!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Education is unanimously agreed to be one of the indicators of
Development. In Nigeria, however,Education has suffered a drastic
setback, especially in the Northern part of the country, in which
most of the people can't afford to pay for their children's school fees
at both secondary and tertiary levels, and that led to the high
number of illiterates in the Northern part of Nigeria compared to the
Southern part. Those that are even lucky to attend by one means or
the other never get the required training at their various institutions
due to the lack of modern facilities at our tertiary institutions simply
because the government is doing little (or nothing) to address the
problem facing the educational sector.
With the exception of few states in the North where their Governors
are doing marvelously to improve the standard of education in their
state, most of the Northern governors never give a damn whether
their indigenes go to school or not, because to them, its not
necessary for the less privilege ones to go to school.
Lack of sponsorship is one of the major factors that contributes
immensely to the high number of illiterates in the Northern part of
the Country. There are quite number of intelligent people who can't
further their studies at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels
due to financial difficulties. Such people a times ended up without
realizing their dreams simply because they don't have anyone at the
corridor of power to sponsor them. I am not a member of PDP and I
don't think if I will be for the rest of my life, but the truth must be
told- Bauchi and Kano state Governors must be commended for
given more priority to educational sector. Therefore, we must all
keep our political differences and commend their wonderful
initiatives and also call on the other Northern Governors to emulate
Bauchi State under the leadership of Mallam Isah Yuguda
(Matawallen Bauchi) have sponsored a quite number of students to
United State, Egypt and so on to study Aviation related courses,
Medicine, Engineering, etc. Some of these students sent for Aviation
related courses have successfully finished their studies and are
currently serving at various aviation fields like Airports, College of
Aviation Zaria, etc. while some among them have started their masters already. Therefore, credit must be given to Matawallen
Bauchi for sending his people to study such noble profession in
which we have limited number of northerners there.
Governor Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso of Kano State has since his return
to offfice (last year) committed himself to restructuring the standard
of education in his state, where he offered free buses to convey
students to their respective schools, free feeding, and lots more.
Recently, the Governor , according to his Director of Press and
Public Relations, Halilu Ibrahim Dantiye, said that Kano state
government will spend about 12 million US Dollars to sponsor 500
indigenes with First Class and Second class Upper degrees to pursue
postgraduate studies abroad. Here is the full text from his Director
of press "Kano state government is to spend about 12 million US
Dollars to sponsor 500 its indigenes with First Class and Second
class Upper degrees to pursue postgraduate studies abroad, the
state governor, Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso has revealed.
Speaking during an interactive session with Kano state PDP stake
holders at the Government House, Governor Kwankwaso stated that
admission into various tertiary institutions in several countries has
been secured for the students, adding that most of them will depart
Nigeria by next Saturday.
He also stated that his administration is fine-tuning plans to
sponsor about 500 qualified secondary school leavers from the
state to study medicine overseas, pointing out that the move was
informed by the dearth of medical professionals, particularly
medical doctors in public hospitals in Kano.
Governor Kwankwaso told the gathering that the government is
working with Nigerien authorities toward building a boarding
secondary school in Niger Republic for Kano students to enable
them learn French, while the Chinese Embassy in Abuja has been
contacted for support toward setting up a Chinese language school
in Kano before the end of this year. These and other efforts, he said,
are with a view to ensuring that Kano becomes an active player in
the global village.
The governor, who hinted that the state government is not relenting
in its bid to provide education to the common man in the state,
asserted that plans have been concluded to set up crafts and
technical schools in all the 44 local government areas of the state.
He explained that approval has already been given for the
installation of facilities in some places, where structures exist in 16
local government areas for immediate take-off of the technical
Governor Kwankwaso also announced that each of the 44 local
governments Community Re-orientation Committees has been given
N5million for the renovation of schools in their respective domains
while efforts are being sustained to provide teaching and learning
He disclosed that arrangements have been concluded to construct
public conveniences in all the 44 local government areas of the state
to enhance public hygiene and environmental sanitation, while a
selected number of youths will be trained in motorized borehole
repairs and maintenance, as part of attempt to reduce
unemployment in the society."
Sincerely, the Northern Governors have indeed failed obviously in terms of
education, but if we would have more of Kwankwaso and Yuguda
who are willing to live up to their responsibilities and provide most
of the necessary things to their people, then standard of education
in the northern part would improve, otherwise, it will remain as its.
Remember, every child has a right to education. The earlier the
Governors rise up to the challenges, the better for them.
I repeat, every child has a right to education, and providing
education to every member of a certain community will of course
minimize the number of criminals and thugs among the youth.
Friday, August 24, 2012
The Recent Improvement In Power Supply In Nigeria : It Is Not Yet Over Until The Fat Lady Sings
The recent improvement in the supply of power has been described
as a great achievement by many Nigerians. Adding that President Goodluck
and Nnaji have done marvelously well.
With a population of more
than 150 million people, Nigeria generates less than 5000
megawatts of electricity while Egypt with just 80 million people generates about
24000 megawatss. This difference is quite clear and it prompts one
to question the sincerity of Jonathan's administration to address the
power failure in Nigeria, though some people have credited them (given them the golden awards)
already for what they considered "a well job done" in the past four weeks where we have constant (even though not uninterrupted) supply of electricity in some parts of the country.
Power failure in Nigeria has greatly led to the closure of many
industries thereby magnifying the numbers of jobless people in the
country and the resultant effect of which is ,almost always , the increase in the number of criminals and the commission of crime in the country.
Because of the constant power shortage in Nigeria, Nigerians were "forced" to
rely on generators in place of "electricity" to earn a living and for their daily needs, which
causes both noise and air pollutions to their environment.
However, recently, there is improvement in the power supply almost all over the country, which some Nigerians deemed it
necessary to hail the Honourable Minister of Power Prof Barth Nnaji
and the President Jonathan for a job well done.
No one is disputing the fact that, the power supply has significantly improved beyond
our expectations, but must we commend them for doing what they
Promised and duty bound to do? If the government can't cater for its citizenry,
then who should? Countries like Saudi-Arabia , Egypt and the rest are
having 24 hours uninterrupted power supply, then why not Nigeria?
What does these countries have that we are lacking?
Unfortunately for Nigerians, the previous administration and of
course the present one (if not for the recent development) had spent
Billions of Naira on "power", "power" , and "power" but it yielded no positive result.
It has been on record that OBJ's administration
alone squandered billions of Naira in the name of power. Same thing goes to
Yar'adua's administration and so on. The government officials always
use our money (at all cost) to provide for themselves light at any time and that's
why they don't give a damn whether the Nigerian masses get even a blink
per day (popularly known as "flashing" in the masses' parlance).
So, the question now is, Why are we lacking behind in
terms of power supply in Nigeria? Is it because our leaders who are
expected to deliver at all levels can siphon our money and buy fuel for
themselves and got scout-free? What have they done with the Billions of money
Invested in the name of power ? If I will attempt to answer the first
question, I will say that we are lacking behind because our leaders
have no vision and we are powerless to stop them from squandering
our money day-in-day-out, that's why we are still lacking behind.
Egypt alone which is not as rich as Nigeria, generates more than
24000 megawatts, thereby providing its citizens with a constant and uninterrupted
supply of electricity everyday. Then come to talk of UAE, Qatar and
the rest, these people don't know what power shortage is all about. I
personally see no reason to commend this government for just
doing only one thing out of dozens responsibilities before (on) it. Time really is not ripe to give them credit at this point, although am not denying
the fact that the supply of power had improved, and at least is one
thing to appreciate, but must we give credit to our leaders when they
live up to their responsibilities?
Sincerely speaking, if government will invest much on power supply,
it will surely reduce the rate of unemployment in the country.
Because we have a quite number of jobs like welding, carpentry and
so on that requires electric power supply, but those people who are
engaged into that business can't afford to buy generator and let alone fueling it on daily basis during their respective working hours. Infact, atimes it
cost a lot to buy even a small generator in Nigeria. Hence,
providing uninterrupted power supply in the country is at least one step to
reduce the number of unemployed youths and crimes within our
immediate community, and government itself will of course slash
down the amount it spends annually on fuel in Aso Rock.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Some months before the general election last year, president Goodluck Jonathan promised a fresh air to the Nigerians if elected into office in 2011. Adding that he will continue with the 7-point agenda of his predecessor, the late president Umaru Musa Yar'adua.
To his luck, he was declared winner of the 2011 polls by the INEC under the chairmanship of Prof Jega. And so many people were jubilating in the southern part of the country, but the story was quite different in the Northern part of the country- where post-election violence took place which led to the loss of lives and millions of properties were destroyed.
Since his assumption as the (s)elected president of Nigeria, president Jonathan has not shown any sense of competence in his administration and things have drastically changed from bad to worst. He has not been able to address the major challenges facing the country, ranging from corruption which is now a daily business between top government officials, education which is in poor state and needs to be addressed on time, transportation and then the most challenging aspect which is insecurity.
We are all witnesses of what our security situation is today. Places like Yobe, Barno, Kano have now become a deadly zone to live or another Baghdad to stay, whereby bombings and killing of innocent people takes place day by day and the clueless government is doing nothing to find a lasting panacea to these problems.
Kaduna and Plateau states are known to be expert when it comes to religious crises. Violence had been heard and is still being heard in these states and other parts of the country.
Today, we live in fear, speak in fear and walk in fear. Presently, Children go to school in fear, our parents go to farms in fear and our mothers go to market in fear. Fear of bombs, fear of shoot outs and fear of being caught up in clashes between people of different faiths, and it has become part of our lives. In June this year, there was crises in Kaduna state (as a result of bomb attack in some churches in Zaria) which resulted/led to a serious reprisal attack that left many people dead and hundreds injured, and it was also hot in Yobe state at that time, but President Jonathan at that moment left the country to Brazil with top government officials for a so-called UN summit. Was the summit more important to Mr President than the lives that were lost during the crises? Why is he not showing concern on situations like that? Presidents that are useful to their people don't leave their country for a submit when their countries are burning. They stay back and sympathize with their people and then find a way of tackling it. But the case is different in Nigeria. Our leaders give more importance to functions than any other thing. This clearly shows the incompetence of President Jonathan to rule the giant of Africa, Nigeria, with a population of more than 150 million people.
Our educational sector too is not left behind, the situation is very poor. Our schools and universities are in critical state with the exception of private ones, which are not affordable to a common man and the government never care a bit because their children are abroad schooling, so its only a poor man that will suffer to get a qualitative education. The same thing goes to the transport sector. Every day, people are involved in road accident(s) due to poor road(s). Recently there was a terrible tanker accident in Cross River state that claimed the lives of more than hundred people. Also, June 3rd will never be forgotten to the families of Dana plane crash victims, that killed more than one hundred and fifty generation, because everything in Nigeria now is second hand. Our airplanes are second hand or old modern, our roads are not good, that's why Nigerians are dying everyday like ants.
The one million naira question now is this, when are we going to get the fresh air that Mr President promised us during his election campaign? For how long shall we wait? Or does he mean that Bombs/bullets in Kano, Yobe, Maiduguri, and the bloodshed in Kaduna, Plateau and the increase in corruption among top government officials, etc are the fresh air he promised us? Or is it the 200 cars purchased for African first ladies peace summit? Alas, or was it the unprecedented increament in the price of petroleum by the federal government early this year? Tell us Mr.President! Answer us Sir!
Sincerely speaking, even Jonathan's best friend will not tell him that all is well in the country. A lot of things needs to be addressed. We can't continue this way if really we want to progress. Please Mr president, Nigerians are still waiting for that fresh air, but put it at the back of your mind that Nigeria is not a country for clueless people to govern.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Jawabin Shugaban Kungiyar Gizago A Taronta Karo Na Uku Da Akayi A Katsina

Da sunan Allah mai rahma mai jin kai. Ya ‘yan uwana gizagawa, tare da sauran manyan baki, ina cike da farin ciki tare da yimaku barka da zuwa wajen taron kungiyarmu mai albarka ta GIZAGO a Jihar Katsina ‘dakin kara’.
• Kamar yadda mafi yawancin mu suka sani, an kafa kungiyar Gizago a Jaridar Aminiya cikin watan Aprilu, 2008 don sada zumumnci, amma daga baya ‘ya’yan kungiyar suka fadada ayyukanta zuwa habaka harshen hausa da inganta al’adun gargajiya da kuma bada taimako ga ‘ya’yan kungiyar da sauran al’umma. Kuma hedkwatar wannan kungiya na kasa yana Jihar Katsina ne. A takaice manufofin wannan kungiya sune:
1. Habaka harshen hausa. 2. Inganta al’adun gargajiya. 3. Sada zumunci 4. Bada tallafi ga ‘ya’yan kungiya da sauran al’umma.
• Anyi taron farko na wannan kungiya a Jihar Kano a shekarar 2009 inda uban kungiya kuma babban bako a wannan rana Dr. Bala Muhammad ya gabatar da lacca akan muhimmancin raya al’adun Hausa, kuma wannan ne karo na farko da ‘ya’yan kungiyar suka san junansu ido-da-ido domin kuwa da a Jaridane kawai ake sada zumunci da yin wasu al’amurra da suka shafi kungiyar.
• Taro na biyu anyishi ne a Kaduna Birnin Gwamna a shekarar 2010, kuma taron ya maida hankali ne kan bunkasar harshen hausa a duniya inda Farfesa Dalhatu Muhammad na Jami’ar Ahmadu Bello dake Zariya ya gabatar da laccar. A wannan karon kuma, wato taron kungiyar na uku wanda akeyi yau a Birnin Katsina Fadar Gwamnatin Jihar Katsina, za’a tattaunane a kan irin gudunmuwar da matasa zasu bada wajen habaka harshen hausa da inganta al’adun Hausawa, kuma Farfesa Ibrahim Malumfashi Shugaban Sashen harshen Hausa na Jami’ar Jihar Kaduna zai gabatar da laccar.
• A bangaren habaka harshen hausa da kungiyar keyi, as samu ci gaba sosai domin kuwa an samu daya daga cikin ‘ya’yan kungiyar mai suna Malam M.S. Suleiman zaria ya wallafa littafi mai suna BAZAZZAGIYA wanda aka kaddamar a taron kungiyar karo na biyu da akayi a Kaduna. Kuma littafin yayi bayani kan wasu Sarakunan Arewa, da kuma dangantakar barkwanci tsakanin zagezagi da kanawa. Haka kuma, dan kungiyar mai suna Ado Ahmad Gidan Dabino, wanda sananne ne a duniyar marubuta, shima ya wallafa littafai da dama cikin harshen Hausa.
• Wajen bada tallafi kuwa, kungiyar nan ta bada tallafin kudi da kayayyaki na dubban nairori ga wadanda rikicin Jos ya afka masu a farkon shekaran 2010. Har ila yau, kungiyar nan a karkashin rassanta na wasu Jihohi ta bada tallafi ga gidajen marayu, nakasassu, gidan yari, makarantu da dai sauransu. Amma munaso a fahimcemu cewa, bawai muna fadin wadannan ayyuka bane don mutane su yaba mana, a’a muna fadine don jama’a su san cewa wannan kungiya ta Gizago ba Kaman sauran kungiyoyi bane, domin kuwa a kullum tana aiwatar da manufofinta, kuma tana fadin ayyukanta ne don sauran ‘ya’yan kungiyar su zage dantse wajen bada gudunmuwa don ganin ankai ga tudun muntsira.
• Kungiyar Gizago ta fara ne da mambobin da basu kai guda 20 ba, amma a yau, kungiyar na da mambobi 2022, kuma kungiyar na da rassa a sama da Jahohin Nijeriya ashirin da kuma wasu daga cikin kasashen ketare, domin kuwa a yanzu haka dinnan muna da mambobinmu na rassan Jamhoriyar Nijar acikin dakin taron nan tare da mu wadanda sukayi takakkiya tunda ga kasarsu don halartan wannan taro mai dimbin mahimmanci.
• Dan gane da nasarorin da kungiyar Gizago ta samu kuwa sune, an samu damar rubutawa da kamala kundin tsarin mulkinta kuma an kaddamar da wannan kundi ga ‘ya’yan kungiyar A Kano a shekarar 2010. Har ila yau, bayan kwashe shekaru ana ta fadi ta shin yin rijista da hukumar dakema kungiyoyi da kamfanoni rijista, a yanzu an samu damar kammala wannan rijistar da hukumar C.A.C. hakika wannan ba karamin nasara bane domin kungiya yanzu bata da wani fargaban gudanar da taro ko ayyuka a ko ina cikin kasar nan harma da ketare domin ta cika dukkan sharuddan da gwamnati ta gindaya kafin ayi mata rijista. Har ila yau, kungiya ta bude shafi a duniyar gizo inda ake musayan ra’ayoyi tsakanin mambobinta da sauran al’umma a ko ina cikin duniya.
• Wannan kungiya a kullum sai kara karbuwa takeyi a ko ina tare da samun yabo kan irin ayyukan da take gudanarwa. Domin kuwa, hatta kungiyar muryar talaka mai fafutukan ganin anyi mulkin adalci ta yaba da aikinmu inda ta bamu takardan shaidan yabo a taronta na farko da tayi a shekarar da ta gabata.
• Amma fa inason kusan cewa dukkan irin nasarorin da wannan kungiya take samu ya biyo bayan irin gagarumin gudunmuwar da Madugu uban tafiya, limamin sada Zumunci, Direban Jirgin Gizagawa Malam Bashir Yahuza Malumfashi keyi wajen aiki tukuru don ganin kungiya ta samu nasarar gudanar da ayyukanta- tare kuma da irin damar da kamfanin Jaridar Aminiya ke bamu wajen ci gaba da yada manufofinmu. Hakika sun cancanci a yaba masu, don haka muna rokon Allah madaukakin sarki ya albarkaci kamfanin MEDIA TRUST.
• Haka suma iyayen wannan kungiya, Dr Bala Muhammad, Mahmoon Baba-Ahmad, Ado Saleh Kankia, Dr Yusuf Adamu da Alhaji Bello lawal, da sauran iyayen kungiya a matakan Jihohi ya zama dole a yaba musu kan irin gudunmuwa da kuma lokacin da suke bawa wannan kungiya a ko wane lokaci. Wannan kungiya na alfahari daku a kowane lokaci, dafatan zaku ci gaba da bada goyon bayanku kan ayyukanta da kuma shawarwari don ganin ankai ga tudun muntsira. Suma shugabaninnin wannan kungiya wadanda lokaci ba zai bada daman a bayyana sunayensu ba, sun cancanci a yaba masu matuka kan irin namijin kokari da sukeyi wajen hada kan mambobin kungiyar tare da yin ayyukan dake kawo ma kungiya ci gaba. Haka suma ‘ya’yan kungiyar ya zama dole a yaba masu kan irin hadin kan da suke bayarwa don ci gaban kungiya, da fatan zasuci gaba da bada hadin kai a ko wane lokaci.
• Kafin in kammala wannan jawabi, zanso in sanar da dukkan wanda ke dakin taron nan cewa a shekaru 3 nan da muka kwashe, dukkan ayyukan da kungiyar nan keyi da kuma gudanar da taronta na shekara shekara, da kuma bada tallafi da takeyi da dai sauran ayyuka, dukkan kudaden yana fitowane daga aljihunta. Ma’ana, daga ‘ya’yan kuniyar. Sune sukan sanyama kansu haraji su tara kudaden da ake bukata. Don haka, a yau, kungiya zata gabatar da neman gudunmuwa don samar da Ofishinta na dundundun a Jihar Katsina, tare kuma dayin sauran ayyukan da ta saba.
• Har ila yau, zanso in sanar daku cewa, don ganin harshen hausa ya bunkasa a ko ina, kungiyar Gizago a shekara mai zuwa zata maida hankali ne wajen fadakar da daliban makarantun sakandire da jami’o’i musamman hausawa dasu rungumi wannan harshe nasu na iyaye da kakanni, tare kuma da taimaka masu da litattafan karatun hausa gami da shirya taron bita gasu daliban kan yadda ya dace su rika karatu da rubutun hausa, musamman ganin cewa matasa hausawa yanzu basason karanta littatafan hausa da kuma yin rubutun hausa. Don haka zamuyi maraba da duk wata irin gudumuwa da zamu samu daga gareku don cimma wannan manufa da muka sanya a gaba. Wannan kungkiya tana adduar Allah ya jikan marubutan Hausa irin su Marigayi Abubakar Imam, da dai sauransu domin kuwa sun bada gagarumin gudunmuwa wajen bunkasar harshen Hausa. Haka kuma, Kungiyar Gizago na sake jinjina da yabawa ga Alhaji Bashir Usman Tofa, Dr Bukar Usman, Mallam Bashir Yahuza Malumfashi, Ado Ahmad Gidan Dabino, Mallam M.S Sulaiman Zaria, da suran Marubuta kan irin gudunmuwar da suke bayarwa a halin yanzu wajen bunkasa Adabin Hausa. Muna rokon Allah madaukakin Sarki da ya kara masu basira da hikima kan wannan aiki da sukeyi.
• Daga karshe, muna addu’ar Allah ya kara tsaremu, karemu, kiyayemu tare da yi mana garkuwa ga dukkan abubuwan da muke gudunsu, shakkunsu ko tsoronsu a zahiri da badili, tare kuma da rokon Allah ya kara shigemana gaba da yimana jagoranci a dukkan ayyukanmu nayau da kullum, haka kuma muna addu’ar Allah yasa ayi taro lafiya a gama lafiya, kuma bakinmu na nesa da kusa kowa ya koma gida lafiya.
Naku har kullum
Mallam Muntaka Abdul-Hadi Dabo
(Sardaunan A Bari Ya Huce)
National chairman,
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day in, day out, every soul will surely taste the bitterness of death. Whosoever has come to the end of his life, a second will not be added to him. May 5th, will remain unforgettable to many Nigerians because of the shocked news they received. It was on that day that the then president and commander in chief of the armed forces Mallam Umaru Musa Yar’adua answered the call of Almighty Allah, after a protracted illness. As we all know, Yar’adua was (s)elected as president in 2007 through an election that was full of malpractices. Though, Yar’adua himself admitted that the (s)election that brought him to power was characterized by an unprecedented election malpractices in the history of Nigeria, and that necessitated him to constitute a committee under the chairmanship of the former chief Jutice of the federation justice Muhammad Lawal Uwais to look into the matter and come up with a lasting panacea to the problem. And he (Yar’adua) also promised to conduct a free and fair election in 2011(i.e. the just concluded election last month) that will be accepted by all Nigerians and the world in general, but he did not live long to actualize his dreams.
When he came to power in 2007, late Yar’adua showed a good sense of respect to all the arms of government by allowing them to discharge their responsibilities without disrupting them. The judicial arm, which is the last hope for the poor man enjoyed full autonomy in his tenure. This was corroborated by the fact that he (Yar’adua) remained dumb when the election tribunals nullified the (s)election of his party candidates (PDP) at various level of government on the ground of electoral malpractices. The former C-in-C, without any iota of doubt showed a sense of maturity in that respect which was never obtained in Obasanjo’s era and this present administration.
While he lived, Yar’adua was cool headed unassuming person who gave everybody his due respect. A man who stood for justice, fair play and equity. Surely, he will be remembered for his quiet dignity, sincere believe in rule of law, commitment to Deeping democracy and landmark resolution of Niger Delta crisis, etc. no doubt, Katsina state and Nigeria has lost an honest leader who meant well for his people. He is no longer with us, but Nigerians would surely be guided by his spirit of exemplified humility, and they will never relent in praying for the repose of his soul.
During his tenure, there was peace in the country and we never had a bomb blast in the three years he spent steering the mantle of leadership in Nigeria as its number one citizen. Unlike what is happening now, bomb blast in all angles of the country, killing of innocent people by police on high roads, etc. it’s very shameful that even the first bomb blast took place at eagle square on October 1st, last year when Nigeria was celebrating her 50th anniversary as a sovereign nation- followed by the one on Xmas Eve, another one on election Eve and during election in some part of the country, to mention but few, where several people lost their lives and many were injured. Imagine what we used to hear before in Afghanistan , Baghadaza, and Somalia , we are now hearing and witnessing it in our own dear country. This is certainly a big problem and if care is not taken, Nigeria will in no distant time (though we are not praying for it) become another Baghadaza, especially Borno State where the case is more rampant.
I can boldly now say, without fear of contradiction that insecurity has become a daily business in Nigeria and Nigerians are used to it. But it’s very annoying that the present administration has been doing nothing to find a lasting solution to the problem. Is this how we are going to continue? If things should continue the way they are now, what will Nigeria become in the next few years? Only time can tell, and it’s quite unfortunate that we did not make a right choice in the last month elections, where we allowed the same bunch of liars and looters to rule us again. We have forgotten the situation we found ourselves in the last years, and still we are going to face it again for another good four years- what a pity! It’s my candid opinion that the Northern part will suffer a lot, because the so-called northern leaders in the north have sold the right of their people to the politicians.
We all witnessed what happened in some of the northern states when the presidential election result was announced, and the upheavals led to the loss of lives, properties of millions naira were vandalized, thousands of people fled their houses, etc and these so-called leaders in the north are the caused because they don’t protect the interest of their people. They only protect their interest and pocket. Even Chief Obasanjo, the former President of this country confirmed this when he said to Jonathan “the northern leaders are ravenous and egocentric. Use what their brother (Yar’adua) left behind and bribe them, they will vote for you” imagine! Surely, the northern part will continue to remain where they are if their so-called leaders did not change, and their children will definitely continue to be slaves forever and remain backward in terms of education.
Conclusively, the upheavals in the northern part should serve as a deterrent to our leaders, and know that Nigerians are pushed to the wall and they can stand up and fight for their right whenever the need arises! A word, they say, is enough to the wise.
Friday, December 31, 2010

Man is a product of his thought life. No one can ever rise above the level of his thinking, and life should always mean something to a person- this has been something I have always believed in. people should realize how lucky they are to be alive in this world, and should make the most of what time they have on earth to strive to achieve what they love. Through this effort, they should also try their best to make the world around them a better place. I was born two and half decades ago, at Anguwar Fatika village, Zaria-Nigeria. I’m a student of Agricultural Engineering (though the programme is on hold now), I am fond of writing and reading, but unfortunately found myself in Engineering field-though I strongly believed that through Agriculture, I can help my country in terms of simplifying ‘food production’, and making it available across the nation, and it will serve as a source of income to the country.
As a hobby to me, I read anything I can get my hands on- newspapers, books, brochures, magazines, online materials, etc. I wonder why some people are very opposed to reading. Reading is a good habit, and there is so much to benefit by reading, as well as serving as a way to rest. I love to read, write and make new friends always.
This world is full of mysteries. So far, I’ve learnt a lot of lessons in life. People kiss you and betray you; they smile at you and at the same time hate you. It’s true that problems are the spice of life, and life without it (problem) is an Illusion. And for every problem, there is an expiry date- problems are not meant to make us down, but to tell us that we have a lot of challenges ahead of us in life. Everybody in this world has some worries, but worries are only natural and human- Also everyone is at least sad at some point, but life is not all time sadness. People go through pains and agonies in life, obstacles here and there while trying to achieve something. But no matter what we may come across along the way, we should always remember that there is still space at the top, and the ladder of success is never crowded at the top- also challenges and set backs are not new in the game of life.
No doubt, year 2009 and 2010 will never go away from my memory. I’ve suffered throughout the years and the memory still brings to my eyes tears. Indeed, life is full of challenges. But as a true believer, I believed that what God has destined for us, no human being on this earth can change it, and He has a reason for everything. Failure was never part of my dream because I live in the world of dream and I dream big. I thought I’ll succeed always in whatever I want, but life proved me wrong. In this life, it’s good to understand that one don’t have to be the most intelligent person to make it in life, but always aim to be the one that makes it to the top even when you think you can’t, continue and don’t stop, work hard with dogged determination-and that’s the best reward you can give people who fight and limit you, by saying you can never amount to anything.
Despite the challenges I encountered, today I can say am the luckiest among my colleagues. I am grateful to the Almighty Allah for His grace and Mercies. ‘Never give up in life’ will always be my advice to people, because nothing is impossible with God. And we should always put it at the back of our mind that there is time for everything, and our destiny cannot be denied, it can be delayed only. One has to sometimes fight a battle more than once in order to win, today I am indeed grateful to God; the sky is not just my limit now, but the starting point. I wanted to be a soldier first, then considered becoming an Engineer, finally now an Aviator in the making. Truly, every disappointment is a blessing-ALHAMDULILLAHI.
I like politics in my life, but hate to be a politician because of the way and manner we take politics in Nigeria, and am not one to be dabbled too much in matters which do not concern me. I believe as a person am not very outspoken, but can write a lot- some people frequently describe me as being shy or reclusive- but that is not true, because when one gets to know me, one realizes that I can be quite friendly and nice. I endorsed the idea that the only way to help our dear country move forward is actually by trying to do something about the problems we face, and for me, this means engaging in reading and writing-though some people said it’s through politics we can help our country, yes agreed. But I believe if we cultivate the reading and writing habit, we can make this country a better place to be by offering our suggestions and contributions through the available means (such as media) on how things should be done in our dear country-Nigeria.
In life, I want to be happy and see other people happy, because life is all about helping and lifting others; it’s about making worthy and laudable contributions, and impact. It’s also about being useful to our mankind. My aim always is to be the voice of the voiceless in Nigeria if not in the world. Because our future doesn’t look bright, and the only thing we can do now is to stand up and fight for our right- I always wonder when Nigeria will ever be right as it keeps on diminishing right before our very sight, and the worst part of it is the inefficiency of our leaders-as most of them are but a bunch of liars. There is no better time to make meaningful contribution to Nigeria than now, a time when our country is at a crossroad, a time when people think wrong, when values are distorted, when smartness is considered a higher virtue than honesty; when rigging is celebrated and people defend wrong actions because it pays them in the short term. What legacies are we leaving to our unborn child? We have to wake up, think deep and also speak out the truth always even if the leaders will not listen- lets use our pen and communicate to them. It will be a rough journey I know, but believe me our efforts will surely not be in vain. Our pen should always be our weapon!
Last but not the least; life is beautiful, indeed beautiful but short. If we can truly sit down and remember the last day, we can see this life has nothing to pay. Therefore, the earlier we REPENT the better, because we don’t know when the angel of death will come. It could be today, tomorrow or next-only God knows. We all are sinners in one way or the other, so the best thing is to bow to the creator, the Supreme Being and ask Him for his forgiveness and our well being, and say no to bad things again. The end is getting nearer, and time waits for no one. This last paragraph is my resolution at the age of 25. Lastly, remember not to give up in life. In brief, this is my history and theory of life encounter.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kwanci tashi ba wuya, shekara kuma kwana ne inji masu iya magana. Yau shekaru hamsin kenan da kasar nan ta samu ‘yancin kanta daga turawan mulkin mallaka na Ingila a ranar 1 october, 1960. Inda a wancan lokacin ‘yan kishin kasa irin su Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Sa Ahmadu Bello Sardaunan Sokoto, Nnamdi Azikwe, Cif Obafemi Awolowo sukayi fafutukar ganin kasar nan ta samu ‘yancin kanta, tare kuma da aikin ginata da kuma inganta ta ba wai gina kawunansu ba kamar yadda muke ganin shugaban nin yanzu sunayi.
Shekaru hamsin da akayi na samun ‘yancin kai lamari ne da ya dace ‘yan Nijeriya musamman ma talakawa suyi waiwaye suga irin ribar da suka samu a wadannan shekaru. Koda yake, tuni ‘yan Nijeriya suka bayyana rashin jin dadinsu da irin bala’i da halin kaka-ni-kayi da suka shiga a tsawon wadannan shekaru a karkashin mulkin shugabannin da suka samu a halin yanzu wadanda ke sanya bukatunsu a farko kafin bukatun al’ummar da suke ma mulki. Sabanin irin salon mulkin da mazajen jiya suka rika yi, inda a kullum buri da bukatun talakawansu ne a gaba kafin nasu bukatun. Alal misali, Sa Ahmadu Bello “primier” jihar Arewa ya fito daga jihar Sokoto, amman ya ga babu inda yafi da cewa da a gina jami’a a yankin arewa a wancan lokacin sai Zaria, domin nan ne ya zamo tsakiyar Jihohin arewa, wanda inda yanzu ne saidai shugaban dake mulki yace a ginata a garinsa!
A wancan lokaci ba’a san wani abu wai cin hanci da rashawa ba, kuma idan mutum yayi laifi komin girmansa da mukaminsa a kasa, doka zatayi aiki akansa ko da kuwa Sa Ahmadu Bello ne ya haifeshi, sabanin abinda yake faruwa a yanzu inda akema dokoki karan tsare, tare da hana hukunta masu laifi indai suna da uwa a gindin murhu. Wannan mummunan dabi’a na rashin bin doka da oda da kuma barin fannin shari’a tayi aikinta yadda ya kamata ya kara kazancewa ne a zamanin mulkin Cif Olusegun Obasanjo na baya bayan nan, inda ya rika cin karensa ba babbaka a kotunan kasar nan tare da yin hawan kawaraye ga dokoki.
Akwai al’amurra da dama da ya kamata a duba, don a fahimci irin ci gaba ko akasin haka a wadannan shekaru hamsin da kasar nan tayi da samun ‘yancin kai. Idan aka dubi fannin wutar lantarki, wanda shine uwa uba, kuma sanadiyyar sa masana’antu da dama sun durkushe,lamarin ba’a cewa komai. Lokacin mulkin Obasanjo na farar hula ba irin kwamiti da ba’a kafa ba don samun saukin abun amman duk abanza, domin kuwa ankashe biliyoyin naira lokacin Obasanjo amman kwalliya bata biya kudin sabulu ba. Har yau, anada matsalar rashin kyakkyawar ruwan sha, wanda hakan yasa ake ta samun karuwar cututtuka a kasa. Rashin kwakkwaran tsarin kula da lafiyar yan Nijeriya, asibitoci babu kwararrun likitoci da magunguna. Tabarbarewar tsarin ilimi duk kuwa da cewa muna da makarantu da jami’o’i masu yawa amman babu ilimi mai nagarta da kayan koyarwa na zamani. Ga rashin tsaro,inda ta kai ga cewa a ranar da ake farin cikin cika shekaru hamsin da samun ‘yancin kai saiga bama bamai sun tashi a cikin dandalin da shugaban kasa ke jawabi! Yin garkuwa da mutane kuwa ya zama ruwan dare a Nijeriya, inda ba babba ba yaro, ga yawan kashe bayin Allah da basuji basu gani ba. Fannin noma ma duk bata canja zani ba, wanda ada noma itace babban hanyar da Nijeriya ke samun kudaden shiganta kafin zuwan man fetur amman yanzu anyi watsi da ita. Rashin aikin yi ga ‘yan kasa sai karuwa yakeyi, wanda hakan shi ke yawaita samun ‘yan zauna gari banza da kuma jefa wasu shiga cikin miyagun ayyuka. kasuwannin hannu jari kullum sai kara durkushew sukeyi. Hanyoyin sufuri sun zama wani kadarko na mutuwa saboda rashin kyawunsu, kuma haryanzu ba’ayi wani abu da zai nuna cewa gwamnati ta damu da lamarin ba.
Kullum dai abin sai kara tabarbarewa sukeyi duk kuwa da irin arzikin da Allah yayi wa Nijeriya. Alkalumma sunyi nuni da cewa tun bayan da kasarnan ta samu ‘yancin kanta, ba’a taba samun kudaden shiga ba kamar shekaru goma na baya da suka wuce, amman talaka bai gani a kasa ba! Shin ina kudaden suke zuwa ne? koda yake arzikin kan komane aljihunan kalilan daga cikin ‘yan kasa sauran kuma a kashesu ta hanyar da bazasu amfani al’umma ba. Kamar dai yadda a shekarun baya aka sayo wai karnukan ‘yan sanda kan naira miliyan biyu akan ko wani kare guda daya! Alhalin ‘yan Nijeriya na fama da yunwa da talauci, cin abinci sau uku yana wuya a rana. Wanna lamari da mai yayi kama?
Na tabbata yau dasu Sardaunan Sokoto zasu fito daga kabari suga irin halin da kasarnan take ciki, wallahi sai sunyi allah ya isa da Tir da salun mulkin shugannin yanzu. Domin kuwa sunci amanasu na kin gudanar da mulkin adalci tare da gina al’umma kamar yadda su Sardaunan sukayi. Saboda mafi yawancin shugannnin yanzu dake madafun iko sunci gajiyar mulkin adalci da su Sardauna sukayi, domin mafi yawancinsu karatun da sukayi kyauta ne ba tare da sun biya koda sisin kwabo ba. Amman a yau su mene sukayi wa fannin ilimi? ‘ya’yansu ma basa karatu a kasar sai dai kasashen waje, wanda hakan yasa sukeyiwa fannin ilimi rikon sakainar kashi. Wanda yayi makarantar elementare a da yafi dan jami’ar yanzu iya turanci da sanin boko. A da muna da jiragen sama, da na kasa, da na ruwa, wutar lantarki, ruwan famfo, kamfanin sadarwa duk suna aiki yadda ya kamata, amman yanzu fa? A yau Nijeriya bata da kima a idon duniya sakamakon babakere da handama tare da halasta kudin haram da shugabannin kasar nan keyi, kuma kullum gashi darajar kudin mu sai kara durkushe wa yakeyi.
To wai a tsawon wadannan shekaru anci riba ne ko asara akayi? Kuma ina aka dosa? A gaskiya za’a iya cewa babu wani amfani da aka samu da mulkin kai, kila ma gara mulkin turawan da abinda yake faruwa a kasa. Domin kuwa su turawan mulkin Ingila a wancan lokaci sun gudanar da mulkin adalci ba tare da nuna bam-banci tsakanin talaka da sarki ba ko mai kudi a duk lokacin da sukazo yin hukunci, abinda yayi wuya a halin yanzu karkashin mulkin ‘yanci. A gaskiya ya zama dole shugabannin Nijeriya su sauya salon yadda suke gudanar da mulki, dole su maida bukatun al’ummarsu a farko kafin komai, su samar da aikin yi ga ‘yan kasa tare da yin ayyukan da zasu kawo ma kasar ci gaba ba kawunansu ba. Kuma a fardado da masana’antu da suka durkushe don samar da aikin yi ga matasa,tare da samar da ingantaccen hasken wutar lantarki wanda shine jigo kan daurewar masana’antu.
Allah ya kara tsaremu, karemu, kiyayemu tare da yi mana garkuwa ga dukkan abubuwan da muke gudunsu, shakkunsu ko tsoronsu a zahiri da badili, tare kuma da rokon Allah ya kara shigemana gaba da yimana jagoranci a dukkan ayyukanmu nayau da kullum, amin.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A kwanakin bayane, jaridun kasar nan da kuma kafafen yada labarai suka cika al’ummar kasar nan da labarai kan dambarwar siyasar da ta mamaye jam’iyyar PDP mai mulki kan tsarin karba karba na jam’iyyar, inda wasu ke nuna goyon bayan aci gaba da bin wannan tsarin yayinda wadansu ke ganin lokaci yayi da za’a sakinma kowa mara a jam’iyyar ya nemi takara ba tare da anyi la’akari daga ko wani shiyya ya fito ba.
Ga dukkan mai bibiyar al’amurran siayar kasar nan, musamman ma akan jam’iyyar PDP yasan tsarin karba karba na jam’iyyar ya samo asaline a shekarar 2002 lokacin da ake dab da zaben shekarar 2003 inda jama’a da dama kamar mataimakin shugaban kasa na wancan lokaci Atiku Abubakar dama suaran mutane suka nuna sha’awarsu na tsayawa takarar shugabancin kasar nan, amman haka bata yiwuba sakamakon yar jejeniyar da dattawan jam’iyyar sukayi kan yadda jam’iyyar zata rika fidda dan takara. Yar jejeniyar wacce ta amine dan kudu yayi skearu takwas yana mulki, kana dan arewa shima yayi mulki na shekaru takwas, wanda hakan ne ya baiwa cif olusegun obasanjo damar ci gaba da rike madafun iko a shekarar 2003 har zuwa shekarar 2007.
Kasancewar jarjejeniyar da jam’iyyar PDP tayi ne yasa a shekarar 2007 marigayi umaru musa Yar’adua ya zamo shugaban kasa bayan hukumar zabe ta bayya nashi a matsayin wanda ya samu rinjaye a kuri’un da aka kada. Kasancewar Yar’adua shugaban Nijeriya a shekarar 2007 ya nuna cewa mulki ya dawo arewa, kuma za’ayi tsawon shekaru takwas kenan dan arewa zaija ragarmar mulkin kasar. Sai dai a halin yanzu, hakan na nema ya zama tarihi. Musamman ma ganin yadda wasu ke kaiwa da komawa don ganin an tabbatar ma shugaba Goodluck wanda ya dare madafun iko sakamakon rasuwar shugaba Yar’adua , wannan kujera a shekarar 2011 maimakon dan arewa. Yanzu takai matsayin wadansu a jam’iyar na PDP na cewa basu san batun karba karba a jam’iyyar ba, ahalin kuwa sune sukayi wannan yar jejeniyar.
Wani abin ban haushi da kona rai shine yadda tsohon shugaban kasar nan Olusegun Obasanjo wanda shine mutum na farko da ya ci ribar karba karban, amman yau yayi kememe ba kunya ya fito fili ya shaida ma duniya cewa baisan batun karba karba a jam’iyyar ba. Shima sabon shugaban jam’iyyar na PDP wanda aka daurasa don yaja akalar jam’iyyar bayan murabus din tilas da akasa halastaccen shugaban jam’iyyar Vicent yayi don yaki yarda a rushe yarjejeniyar da akayi kan karba karaba ya fito fili yace babu batun karba karba a PDP. Koda yake, kalaman na sabon shugaban PDP ba abin mamaki bane, domin abinda aka kawosa yayi kenan, wanda sabanin yin hakan za’ayi waje rod da shine.
Amman ayar tambayar anan itace, me yasa za’a rushe tsarin karba karba na jam’iyyar PDP a halin yanzu yayin da arewa ke yin nasu wa’adin na shekaru takwas? Ko kuwa rasuwar Yar’adua ta zama wani dama ne na da’a ruguje wannan yarjejeniyar. Me yasa shugabannin arewa suka zama yan abi yarima asha kida ne, musamman ma gwamnoni. A zahirin gaskiya, indai har za’ayi adalci to kamata yayi a bari arewa ta kamala nata wa’adin mulkin kafin a rushe tsarin karba kraban, wanda kin yin hakan na iya haifar da komai a kasar na. lokaci yayi da ‘yan arewa zasu maida hankali wajen ci gaban yankinsu, koda yake shugabanninmu sune ke kawo mana koma baya a kowane fanni, musamman ma idan mukayi la’akari da taron da gwamnonin arewa sukayi a baya kan batun karba karba inda sukaje suka yi gaban kansu ba tare da jin ra’ayoyin talakawansu ba.
Sanin kowa ne kamar yadda su gwamnonin ke ikirari, cewa ko wane dan kasa yana da ‘yancin yin takara idan zabe yazo. Tabbas wannan haka yake, kuma shima shugaba Goodluck kamar ko wane dan Nijeriya yana da ‘yancin tsayawa takara a shekarar 2011, amma fa ba’a jam’iyyar PDP domin akwai yarjejeniyar da ta amince cewa yanzu dan arewa ne zai yi mulki. Idan kuma har Goodluck yaga yana da sha’awar dole yayi takara a 2011, to sai ya bar jam’iyyar PDP ya koma wata jam’iyya yayi takara. Yin haka shi zai nuna cewa an girmama wannan yar jejeniya da akayi a baya, kuma kimar shugaba Goodluck zata karu don mutumta wanna doka da yayi.
Alla yasa ayi zabe lafiya kuma a samu shugabanni masu kishin talakawansu da zasuyi aiki don ci gaban al’umma, ba masu kishin aljuhunsu bad a cigana iyalansu kawai. Allah yai mana jaogarnci a dukkan al’amuranmu nayau da kullum.
Ga dukkan mai bibiyar al’amurran siayar kasar nan, musamman ma akan jam’iyyar PDP yasan tsarin karba karba na jam’iyyar ya samo asaline a shekarar 2002 lokacin da ake dab da zaben shekarar 2003 inda jama’a da dama kamar mataimakin shugaban kasa na wancan lokaci Atiku Abubakar dama suaran mutane suka nuna sha’awarsu na tsayawa takarar shugabancin kasar nan, amman haka bata yiwuba sakamakon yar jejeniyar da dattawan jam’iyyar sukayi kan yadda jam’iyyar zata rika fidda dan takara. Yar jejeniyar wacce ta amine dan kudu yayi skearu takwas yana mulki, kana dan arewa shima yayi mulki na shekaru takwas, wanda hakan ne ya baiwa cif olusegun obasanjo damar ci gaba da rike madafun iko a shekarar 2003 har zuwa shekarar 2007.
Kasancewar jarjejeniyar da jam’iyyar PDP tayi ne yasa a shekarar 2007 marigayi umaru musa Yar’adua ya zamo shugaban kasa bayan hukumar zabe ta bayya nashi a matsayin wanda ya samu rinjaye a kuri’un da aka kada. Kasancewar Yar’adua shugaban Nijeriya a shekarar 2007 ya nuna cewa mulki ya dawo arewa, kuma za’ayi tsawon shekaru takwas kenan dan arewa zaija ragarmar mulkin kasar. Sai dai a halin yanzu, hakan na nema ya zama tarihi. Musamman ma ganin yadda wasu ke kaiwa da komawa don ganin an tabbatar ma shugaba Goodluck wanda ya dare madafun iko sakamakon rasuwar shugaba Yar’adua , wannan kujera a shekarar 2011 maimakon dan arewa. Yanzu takai matsayin wadansu a jam’iyar na PDP na cewa basu san batun karba karba a jam’iyyar ba, ahalin kuwa sune sukayi wannan yar jejeniyar.
Wani abin ban haushi da kona rai shine yadda tsohon shugaban kasar nan Olusegun Obasanjo wanda shine mutum na farko da ya ci ribar karba karban, amman yau yayi kememe ba kunya ya fito fili ya shaida ma duniya cewa baisan batun karba karba a jam’iyyar ba. Shima sabon shugaban jam’iyyar na PDP wanda aka daurasa don yaja akalar jam’iyyar bayan murabus din tilas da akasa halastaccen shugaban jam’iyyar Vicent yayi don yaki yarda a rushe yarjejeniyar da akayi kan karba karaba ya fito fili yace babu batun karba karba a PDP. Koda yake, kalaman na sabon shugaban PDP ba abin mamaki bane, domin abinda aka kawosa yayi kenan, wanda sabanin yin hakan za’ayi waje rod da shine.
Amman ayar tambayar anan itace, me yasa za’a rushe tsarin karba karba na jam’iyyar PDP a halin yanzu yayin da arewa ke yin nasu wa’adin na shekaru takwas? Ko kuwa rasuwar Yar’adua ta zama wani dama ne na da’a ruguje wannan yarjejeniyar. Me yasa shugabannin arewa suka zama yan abi yarima asha kida ne, musamman ma gwamnoni. A zahirin gaskiya, indai har za’ayi adalci to kamata yayi a bari arewa ta kamala nata wa’adin mulkin kafin a rushe tsarin karba kraban, wanda kin yin hakan na iya haifar da komai a kasar na. lokaci yayi da ‘yan arewa zasu maida hankali wajen ci gaban yankinsu, koda yake shugabanninmu sune ke kawo mana koma baya a kowane fanni, musamman ma idan mukayi la’akari da taron da gwamnonin arewa sukayi a baya kan batun karba karba inda sukaje suka yi gaban kansu ba tare da jin ra’ayoyin talakawansu ba.
Sanin kowa ne kamar yadda su gwamnonin ke ikirari, cewa ko wane dan kasa yana da ‘yancin yin takara idan zabe yazo. Tabbas wannan haka yake, kuma shima shugaba Goodluck kamar ko wane dan Nijeriya yana da ‘yancin tsayawa takara a shekarar 2011, amma fa ba’a jam’iyyar PDP domin akwai yarjejeniyar da ta amince cewa yanzu dan arewa ne zai yi mulki. Idan kuma har Goodluck yaga yana da sha’awar dole yayi takara a 2011, to sai ya bar jam’iyyar PDP ya koma wata jam’iyya yayi takara. Yin haka shi zai nuna cewa an girmama wannan yar jejeniya da akayi a baya, kuma kimar shugaba Goodluck zata karu don mutumta wanna doka da yayi.
Alla yasa ayi zabe lafiya kuma a samu shugabanni masu kishin talakawansu da zasuyi aiki don ci gaban al’umma, ba masu kishin aljuhunsu bad a cigana iyalansu kawai. Allah yai mana jaogarnci a dukkan al’amuranmu nayau da kullum.
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