Saturday, February 20, 2010
TANDJA MOMODOU: Its too late to cry when......
Thursday, 18th day of February, 2010, is one of the turning point in the political and leadership history of Africa in general and Nijar republic in particular. It was on same day and date that the good people of Nijar republic found themselves in a state of commotion at the early noon hours when the illegal and unconstitutional government of Tandja Momodou was toppled by General Adamu Haruna.
If we can recall, it was last year during the tail end of Tandja’s second tenure in office as the president of Nijar republic that he brought an innovation into the political system of Nijar by conducting a referendum that could give him a license to stay in office beyond the constitutional provisions and requirements. That attitude of legalizing what is illegal and constitutionalizing what is unconstitutional made the constitutional court and the legislative arm of Nijar republic to outrightly frowned and rejected it as it is unconstitutional. Tandja was not happy with their stand on the issue and as such he injudiciously used his power and dissolved both the constitutional court and legislative organ of Nijar so that he can achieve what he desired. This was followed by the purported and the so-called “referendum” in August, 2009 where he single-handedly (together with his political boys) organized, conducted, and produced out their desired result to the effect that the innocent people of Nijar republic have agreed by a majority vote, that Tandja should continue with the steering in of the mantle of leadership in Nijar.
Though, all that kind of political mutilations of dissolving the constitutional court, the legislative arm, as well as conducting the said referendum were plan and idea inculcated into Tandja’s mind by nobody other than Abubakar dan Dubai, bin Umar, and some few selfish individual ministers that have no regard for the democratic rule. Dan Dubai was the figure-head in Tandja’s journey to perpetuate himself in power without having recourse to its negative consequences. Tandja failed to appreciate the fact that dan Dubai is nobody other than a business tycoon who is not living in Nijar republic and whose primary aim is how to maximize his profits and nothing less, nothing more.
It has been a well known fact that Tandja had unconstitutionally extended his tenure in office against the will of most of the people of Nijar. It’s very lamentable and highly embarrassing to see how African leaders always want to perpetuate themselves in power and a times considered it as hereditary without respecting the rule of law, fundamental human right, and the rule of the game itself. Life ruler ship is their aims and in their absence they preferred their children to step into their shoes. For God’s sake, is this what we call a democracy? Is this what the developed countries practice or observe their democracy? I will not be taken by surprise to know that most of these African leaders know nothing about what a democracy is all about. Their mission(s) is nothing other than to find themselves in power, siphon the public funds and thereby enrich themselves.
It is now clear that Tandja has now bring to an end the nascent democracy that has come to stay in Nijar. Today, the fifth republic, the sixth unconstitutional republic, and Taandja himself are nowhere to be found. Now, Tandja is in detention as if he was not a president few days before his government was overthrown. He cannot even see his family as he wishes. This is certainly one of the consequences of going against the spirit of a constitution and the wishes of the masses. Tandja ought to have had learnt a lesson on what happened to the former Nijar president, Ba’are mai nasara, Mannuel Zalaya of Honduras, and captain Musa Dadis Camara of Guinea. Was Tandja unaware or has forgotten how those people lost their offices when they tried to perpetuate themselves in power? In fact, Ba’are mai nasara even lost his life in the process. Tandja was dumb, deaf, and blind when the African union and Ecowas appealed to him to respect the constitution and the rule of law by allowing people to elect who they want to govern or rule them. This led to the stoppage of the assistance given to Nijar by the African countries and that from the European Union. With all this situation, Tandja boldly said that there is no going back.
One of the touchy thing in Tandja’s journey to where he is today was how he treated the representative of Ecowas to Nijar. He gave him no single attention over the political tete-a-tete with the politicians on how to resolve the political tension in Nijar. The deed is done, and all become history. The nagging question is when are we going to be matured enough to handle our political problems without waiting for soldiers to handle them for us? Had it been that Mr Tandja had honorably moved aside after the expiration of his second term, I believe that definitely he would be remembered in Nijar in particular and the world at large as one of the successful president Nijar ever had. But reverse is the case. Today, he is only going to be remembered as Tandja whose government was toppled by the military men as a result of his individual selfishness by imposing himself to the people of Nijar and creating a political commotion in Nijar.
The Saturday marching, two days after the coup, by the people of Nijar showing their loyalty and support to the soldiers is a strong and clear testimony that they are fed-up with Tandja and his undemocratic, unconstitutional, and unreasonable extension of tenure in office. Though, hitherto to his time Tandja had insisted that he and he alone can rule Nijar.
The assertion of Tandja in a press conference that he has slaughter a Ram is now proved to the contrary. He might have had slaughtered the Ram from the back of his neck or from his tail. To this end, what happened to Tandja is one of the consequences of breaching the constitution of Nijar coupled with the deliberate refusal to take, consider, and act on the calls from different angles of the world to respect the rule of law and constitutionalism.
At this juncture, we are urging the military in Nijar to dispense justice in their government and to organize a free and fair election within a reasonable time and not to stay in power unreasonably. The embarrassing thing that happened to Mr Tandja should served as a lesson to the African leaders like him whose aim is to rule or stay in power for life at all coast.
Lastly, I am concluding this paper with a prayer, seeking refuge from the Almighty from all evils and harmful acts. May he also be our guardian in all our endeavours, ameen.
Na tabbata ranar Alhamis wanda tayi daidai da 18/02/2010 ba zata taba gushewa a zukatan al’ummar nahiyar Afrika ba, musamman al’ummar jamhoriyar Nijar sakamakon yanayin da suka tsinci kansu a cikin tsakiyar wannan ranar wanda hakan yakai ga kifar da haramtacciyar jamhoriya ta shida karkashin jagoranci janar Adamu Haruna wanda shugaba Tandja Mamadou ya girka.Tun dai bayan da shugaba Tandja Mamadou na Nijar ya kusa kawo karshen wa’adin mulkinsa karo na biyu a shekarar da ta gabata ne sai ya fito da wani sabon salo nayin kuri’ar jin ra’ayin jama’an kasar Nijar wanda zai iya bashi damar ci gaba da mulkin kasar fiye da yadda kundin tsarin mulkin kasar ya bashi dama. Fito da wannan maita tashi fili da yayi yasa majalisar kasar tare da kotun koli suka ce ko kusa wanna yunkuri da Tandja keyi ya sabama tsarin dokokin kasar. Hakan kuwa baiyiwa Tadja dadi ba ganin cewa ya fara samun cikas daga majalisar kasar, wanda hakan yasa bai bata lokaci ba sai yayi amfani da karfin ikonsa ya rusa majalisar tare da kotun kolin kasar don dai cimma wannan bakin buri nasa, kuma ya wuce kai tsaye a watan agusta na 2009 yayi zaben raba gardama inda yayi kidansa yayi rawansa duk shi kadai yabada sakamaon da yake so, ya bayyana ma duniya cewa al’ummar Nijar sun amince da yaci gaba da mulkansu don ci gabda da aikata ayyukan alheri da ya somo a baya, a cewarsa amman.
Ko da yake duk wadannan abubuwa kama daga kuri’ar jin ra’ayin jama’a, rushe majalisar kasa da sauransu da Tandja ya yi ba kowa ke ingizasa ba sai Abubakar dan Dubai, bin Umar, da suaran ‘yan tsirarun ministocinsa wadanda basu girmama mulkin dimokuradiyya. Dan Dubai shine dirabar motar da Tadja ya shiga don neman tazarce ba tare da kallon irin illolin da hakan ka iya haifarwa ba. Tandja yaki fahimtar cewa dan Dubai fa dan kasuwa ne, kuma bawai yana zaune a kasar Nijar bane, kuma shi burinsa kawai waye zai sake masa mara ya rika cin karensa ba babbaka ba tare da ko al’umma najin dadinsa ko basa jiba. Burinsa kawai idan miyansa ta gyaru, to na gidan uban kowa ma ya bace.
A gaskiya kowa yasan cewa Tandja yayi amfani da karfin ikonsa ne don yaci gaba da mulkin Nijar bawai don ‘yan kasar na da muradin hakan ba, sai dai kawai don bin ra’ayin irin su dan Dubai da sauransu. Abin kunya ne yau yadda shugaban nin Afrika suka maida mulki tamkar gadon gidansu, basa mutunta hakkin al’ummarsu, basu mutunta dokokin mulkin dimokuradiyya. So suke su rika dawwama a madafun iko har sai bayan ransu, idan ma sun mutu to ‘ya’yansu ne sukeson su gaje su. Don Allah wannan shine dimokuradiyya? Haka muka ga kasashen da suka ci gaba ta fannin dimokuradiyya suke yi? Ba zanyi mamakiba idan mafi yawanci wadannan shugabannin basu san abinda ake nufi da dimokuradiiya ba. Burinsu kawai shine su amshi mulki ko ta wani irin hali don su wawure dukiyar talakawansu tare da azurta kansu.
Ta tabbata yau Tandja ya gurgunta mulkin dimokuradiyyar data kamo hanyar zama da kafafunta biyu a jamhoriyar Nijar. Yau babu jamhoriya ta biyar, babu haramtacciyar jamhoriya ta shida da Tandja ya kafa, babu Tandja a shugabancin Nijar, to don Allah wa gari ya waya? Duka yau kwana nawa Tandja ya kara akan mulkin? Yau Tandja yana tsare cikin wulakanci, ganin iyalansa ma yanzu ya zama masa abu mai wuya, babu sauran walwala tare dashi. Yanzu Tandja yaci riba kenan ko ya kaskanta? Ya kamata ace Tandja ya dauki darasi kan abinda ya faru da Ba’are mai nasara na Nijar din, da kuma Mannuel Zalaya na Hundaros, da kaftin Musa Dadis Camara. Shin Tandja ya manta da irin nasu kwadayin mulkin ne wanda hakan yasa duk suka rasa shugabancin kasashensu? Ba’are mai nasara kuwa ba mulkin ya rasaba, ransa baki daya ya rasa. Tandja yayi kunnen uwar shegu, ya zama kurma ya kuma zama makaho ga dukkan irin kiraye kirayen da kungiyar tarayyar afrika da na ECOWAS suka yi masa na da ya mutunta kundin tsarin mulkin kasar, ya sauka ayi zabe amma Tandja ya toshe kunnensa yaki sauraron kowa. Hatta tallafin da kasashen Africa da na tarayyar turai ke ba Nijar sun dakatar da bayarwa amman haka duk bata girgiza Tandja ba, bai sa ya canja gurguwar shawarar dasu dan Dubai suka bashi ba nayin tazarce.
Wani babban abin ban haushi shine yadda Tandja yaki mutunta manzon da kungiyar tattalin arzikin kasashen afrika ta yaamma ta tura zuwa Nijar don kawo karshen dambarwan siyasar da ta ki ci taki cinyewa, Tandja yayi kunnin uwar shegu yaki maida hankali kan tataunawar da akeyi da ‘yan siyasar kasar don kawo maslaha acikin lamarin. To yau dai mai faruwa ta riga ta faru, duk abinda za’a fada sai dai ya zama labari kawai. Ai dama an ce duk wanda ya shiga motar kwadayi, to la shakka ba zai sauka ako ina ba face tashar wulakanci.
Yaushe wai zamu zauna a Afrika mu kasa warware matsalolin siyasar dake damunmu har sai mun jira sojoji sun shiga tsakani? Yau da Tandja ya tsare mutuncinsa ya sauka cikin girma da arziki da ya shiga cikin kundin tarihin Nijar da ma duniya baki daya cewa yayi mulkin Nijar har sau biyu kuma ya kamala sumul. Amman yau fa? Sai dai ace Tandja wanda sojoji suka kifar da gwamnatinsa sakamakon yin tazarce da karfi da yaji, ko kuma ace sakamakon jefa kasar da yayi a yanayin rudani na siyasa, kamar dai yadda kakakin wadanda suka yi juyin mulkin kanar Abdulkarim ya bayyana ma manema labarai cewa sun yanke karbar mulkin ne sakamakon halin rudani na siyasa da ksar ta samu kanta ciki. Zanga zangar da al’ummar Nijar kuwa sukayi ranar Asabar, kwana biyu bayan hambarar da gwamnatin Tandja don yin mubayi’a tare da nuna goyon bayansu ga gwamnatin mulkin soja ya nuna a fili cewa al’ummar Nijar sun gaji da mulkin da Tandja ke musu amman shi yayi keke yana son ya nuna ma duniya cewa in bashi ba to babu mai iya mulkin Nijar.
Yau dai ragon da Tandja ya bayyana ma ‘yan jarida cewa an yankata kuma baza ta tashi ba to ta tashi. Wata kila ta keya Tandja ya yanka ragon ko a bindi ya yanke shi. Dama ai ance duk wanda baiji bari ba to zaiji hoho. Wannan shine sakamakon kin bin dokokin mulkin Nijar da Tandja yayi, tare da kin amsa dukkan irin kiraye kirayen da kasashen duniya sukayi masa na da ya mutunta mulkin dimokuradiyya ya sauka tunda wa’adinsa ya kare amman yaki ji. Fatarmu dai shine wadan nan sojoji suyi mulkin adalci kuma su gagguta maido da gwamnatin farar hula ta hanyar gudanar da zabe sahihi,ingantacce,tsarkakke kuma karbaben ga al’ummar Nijar. Don haka wannan abin kunya da ya faru da Tandja Mamadou ya kamata ya zama darasi da kuma hannunka mai sanda ga sauran takwarorin Tandja na nahiyar Afrika masu son dawwama a mulki ko ta wani rin hali, domin dai ance idan gemun dan uwanka ya kama da wuta, to ka shafama naka ruwa.
Allah ya kara tsaremu, karemu, kiyayemu tare da yi mana garkuwa ga dukkan abubuwan da muke gudunsu, shakkunsu ko tsoronsu a zahiri da badili, tare kuma da rokon Allah ya kara shigemana gaba da yimana jagoranci a dukkan ayyukanmu nayau da kullum, amin.
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